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Uber Clone MVP

4 Questions to Ask Yourself before Launching an Uber Clone MVP

Building an Uber Clone MVP requires a lot of discussion regarding design, development, features, and functionality. It would be best if you spent wisely without sacrificing the main features of the app. This blog presents four questions every business owner must answer before starting the development process of an Uber Clone MVP app.


Clone apps follow the business model of highly popular apps that have created a historical landmark among modern consumers. They offer similar features and build navigation along with UI/UX as well as other elements. This approach is entirely opposite to traditional custom app development. It promotes the use of ready-made apps for quick launch in the market.

A minimum viable product or MVP, is a basic prototype of an app. Its purpose is to implement the initial round of feedback received from consumers. The reason behind an MVP launch is that it validates the idea of the app amongst the users before adding additional features and services.

4 Questions About Uber Clone MVP

When a business launches a new app, it's about more than just getting it to market. This needs to be done as quickly as possible. At the same time, the quality and cost of development are maintained. To achieve this, businesses launch MVPs with the minimum necessary functionality, which at the same time brings value to the end user.

As mentioned earlier, MVP helps startups and business representatives test the idea and main functionality of the app at the initial stages of its development. The results of testing the minimum viable product and feedback from the target audience will help you understand:

        How viable is the product? 

        Is it useful to end users?

        What needs to be changed in functionality or strategy?

        What is important is to leave it unchanged.

        Is it worth further developing the product?

        Will it be in demand on the market?

However, it would be best if you remembered that when using an MVP, it is important to focus on the users and their problems instead of developing a product that you like and not necessarily that your users will like.

The idea is simple, but startups and businesses often miss opportunities to add value to their apps. Moreover, the critical mistake of building the MVP around features rather than customers happens at the very beginning. Following are the questions you should ask yourself to avoid similar mistakes.

Can You Explain The Idea of ​​A Product in 2 Minutes?

In brief product announcements, many describe the functionality, use cases, and main idea but need to mention something about the value for the user. You can get so immersed in a project and admire your idea that you forget about who you are creating the Uber Clone app for. 

Is Your MVP Feature-centric or Customer-centric?

The difference between a feature-centric MVP and a customer-centric MVP seems negligible. Some scenarios require feature orientation. Still, when launching a new app, success in the market is much more important than your ambitions. 

The instructions should say why the user needs to perform certain actions and what they will lead to. As a result, halfway through more complex tasks, the user needs help understanding what and why this is happening, and the app begins to seem like an obstacle course to him. 

Test your MVP early on with real customers to get feedback and give yourself enough time to make changes. Sometimes, even the smallest little things can affect the success of a product.

Do You Think Like A Customer?

Telling you to put yourself in the customer's shoes is a simple task. The question is how to do it.

        Stop thinking like an entrepreneur.

        Think about the product's goals instead of its features.

        Focus on use cases rather than functional areas.

        Don't think about revenue. Think about the return on investment.

These changes in thinking must happen as early as possible in order to properly plan communication with the customer. This will determine the language of your Uber Clone MVP, its positioning, and its main message. 

Are You Trying to Be “All Things to All People”?

Your MVP doesn't have to be one size fits all; it just needs to resonate with the right people. Trim down your feature set to target and serve only the customers you can help the most.

Instead of offering a full line of products to different audience segments, launch one product for a specific market. Later, you can add additional functionality if there are active requests from other users. 

Many companies get carried away by corporate language, so their texts turn into a block of meaningless words that do not help users in any way. Remove all the unnecessary stuff from your descriptions and focus on the benefits for people. 

Don't be afraid of feedback and changes to your idea because the only thing that matters is value to users.

Think Like an Experienced Entrepreneur

Creating an Uber Clone MVP, like achieving any other goal, should be based on the most pragmatic strategy possible. This strategy can have completely different degrees of complexity. Still, it should always have a sufficient number of degrees of freedom. In other words, the more accurately it models reality to the extent necessary to achieve the objectives, the better.

If you make different apps using the same technologies - this is unlikely to be optimal for all of these apps. If you always follow the MVP path, it is just as one-sided. MVP focuses only on one side of the logic, but you need to be guided by it all. You need to focus not on methods but on goals, and each time, use the optimal speed/quality/cost ratio.

Yes, you need to move step by step. Yes, you need to plan your work gradually and not build a death star in one big project with a fixed deadline. Nevertheless, it would be best if you did not forget about the psychology of customers, about the emotions that guide them when making a choice, and about the first impression that you will create once and for all.

Furthermore, you need to move towards the goal by means that are optimal at the given moment and use a different pattern for all occasions. In this sense, MVP, as a universal tool for everything, is completely unnecessary.


Taxi booking apps like Uber Clone are a one-time investment strategy to end all your app design and development dilemmas. To get the perfect clone app, search your way through a highly professional white-label firm. Some of these firms offer post-launch maintenance for one year as well. Try to get a licensed source code before moving forward with the purchase, and always test the demo available in the Google and Apple Stores.

Author Bio

I, Usman Ali Khan, as of now, i'm filling in as an SEO expert, I have proficient experience of 5+ years in website audit, website analytic's & search engine optimization, understanding search engine behaviors, technical SEO, off-page SEO, and keyword research, Google Webmaster, ubersuggest, semrush, and ahref. An up-to-date, working knowledge of current, past, and projected trends in the SEO industry, etc. And so on, responsibilities stretch from expanding web traffic to further developing web scan positioning for organization sites.

Currently, I am working for the TechnooExpert blog, TechnooExpert provides a very good opportunity for professional content writers to submit guest posts on our website. If you want to write for us technology, and business related content or articles, feel free to contact us at