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React Native App Development Techniques

React Native App Development Techniques: Develop High-Performance Mobile Apps

Change is everywhere, irrespective of economic boundaries we work on elevating existing processes and adapting new technologies. In this continuously changing network, the requirement for mobile app development is increasing day by day. In this way, high-performance apps have never been an outdated choice for consumers. In other words, it can be considered as one of the major demands of the current application development market. In this demanding nature performance is the key aspect whether it is an e-commerce app, productivity tool, or a social media platform. Emerging React Native framework within this application development process can result in highly performing applications. It provides a native-like experience journey across different platforms. With the integration of this technique, we get advantages like feature reach applications and unparalleled efficiency. The research data by Statista highlights similar aspects. 

As shown in the above figure, it highlights the most preferred mobile app frameworks by the application developers. According to this, flutter attains the first place, and react native attains the second one. While attaining preferred percentage at 30% and at 27.1%. This shows React Native is the preferred choice for developers and results in providing high-performance applications. Have you ever thought about why this is one of the preferred choices? Because of its unique architecture, software ecosystem, and supportive libraries. All these are designed to optimize the performance of applications at every stage of the mobile app development process.

This guest post is constructed to explore the world of React Native App development and its key technology for developing high-performance mobile apps. In this, we will uncover the major techniques of implementing this framework. Let’s explore the appropriate technique for implementing react native within your business structure. 

Major React Native Application Development Techniques

  • Optimize Rendering

Performance enhancement is considered one of the major requirements which is raised by organizations. Majorly focusing on the application’s User Interface (UI) leads users to the rendering process. At this stage, too many UI components work on making the app slow, delayed, with improper results. To resolve and optimize the rendering process, one can integrate React Native’s built-in memoization technique. As with this, we can store the outcomes of complex rendering tasks, that somewhere remove the requirement of rerendering process. This reduces the time taken to display the UI and enhances the application performance. This optimized rendering becomes a balancing option between efficiency and functionality. 

  • Use of Native Components 

This is one of the major advantages of making a mobile application based on react native and making it cross-platform supportable by having a solitary codebase. With these features, it is assumed that the performance of mobile applications stays at its peak along with the use of native components. These are defined as the pre-made UI elements offered by the React native platform. This practice results in great user interaction, enhanced animations, maps, and access to the camera. While using these components, this practice assures time-saving and even functionality on every platform. Also, the use of pre-build native components saves the application from bugs as these are previously tested.

  • Minimizing Bundle Size

Isn’t it irritating when the mobile application takes too much time to load and this leads them to switch to the other app? Making sure that the mobile application is developed based on the React native technique, requires developers to reduce the bundle size. In this, the developers work on the strategy of involving only the necessary elements from libraries, modules, and other dependencies. Also cleaning the code by removing unnecessary resources can lead to performance enhancement. Along with this one can work on integrating tools like Webpack or Rollup for automatically optimizing the bundle size of the application. 

  • Implementing Caching

User expectations are high in current times, as everyone expects their applications to run quickly along with high efficiency. The poor performance can result in negative ratings. To resolve this, nowadays developers tend to integrate caching techniques within the mobile app. This technique is defined as storing data that is used most often in a memory cache. In this process, the app rewrites the information instead of again loading it from the server or database. This process works to enhance the app performance and decrease the workload of the server. 

  • Ignoring Unnecessary Renders

Being a developer, somewhere it is assumed that whenever the application state is altered, rendering is mandatory.  But this is not the reality as this leads to unnecessary rerenders for the react native application for performance enhancement and more effective user experience. This increases the burden on the application instead of enhancing its performance. For this one can take care of needless rerenders and perform to shun them. Along with this one can use tools like React developer tools or performance surveillance tools for observing application’s re rendering templates. 

  • Performance Monitoring 

The process of performance monitoring of the React native application is considered a critical one because you have to optimize the application. For this one can use a debugger tool for getting valuable insights like frame rate, CPU utilization, and memory consumption. Along with this, we can integrate the practice of gaining user feedback and identify potential issues. In this process of performance monitoring, the mobile application can be tested across different platforms and operating systems. This results in an overall and effective performance analysis of the application. 


The React Native mobile application development technique is considered one of the top choices of mobile app developers. And no doubt it enhances the performance of the particular software with its inbuilt techniques and features. In this guest post, we worked on highlighting the major techniques for enhancing performance with the help of React Native technology. In this, we discussed techniques like optimized rendering, use of native components, minimization of bunder size, implementing caching, avoiding unnecessary rerenders, and performance monitoring. The development of mobile applications with this technology leads to various benefits and makes the business grow in different aspects. If you want to enhance your business application’s performance then this guideline can be the best option for you to start growing or recovering. 

Author Bio

I, Usman Ali Khan, as of now, i'm filling in as an SEO expert, I have proficient experience of 5+ years in website audit, website analytic's & search engine optimization, understanding search engine behaviors, technical SEO, off-page SEO, and keyword research, Google Webmaster, ubersuggest, semrush, and ahref. An up-to-date, working knowledge of current, past, and projected trends in the SEO industry, etc. And so on, responsibilities stretch from expanding web traffic to further developing web scan positioning for organization sites.

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